
Thanks so much for checking out our website. Here you can find out more about experiencing the heart and core of what we do on Sunday, especially what it's like to visit Redeemer for the first time. We hope you will learn a bit about what we do and why we do it. However, it can't tell you everything. The most important and worthwhile part - worshipping together, growing together, and doing life together - you'll have to experience in person. After you have taken a look around here, we hope you can come and be a part of what's really worthwhile.

A typical service

Worship is one of the most important things Christians do. Our service at Redeemer has one focus: our Redeemer, Jesus. Worship is centered on God coming to us with the message of the gospel: the good news about everything Jesus has done for us.  That message saves us and changes us. We focus on the reading of his message of salvation and singing hymns full of rich content and meaning.

Each service lasts around one hour. A typical service which you can expect to experience every Sunday has a pattern to it to help you follow:
  1. Greeting: The pastor greets everyone and introduces the theme of the day.  
  2. Opening Hymn: We open by singing a hymn which introduces the theme of the day and sets the tone for the whole service.  All our hymns and the entire service is projected from the screen to help you follow along.
  3. Confession & Absolution of Sins: We know we can't approach God all by ourselves. We can't appreciate Jesus and his work if we don't see our need for him. That is why the first thing we do is confess our sins and hear the proclamation of God's forgiveness to us. With all our sins gone and our relationship to God restored, we can joyfully stand before God at peace.
  4. Scripture Readings: Reading God's Word is one of the most essential parts of the service.  There are typically three readings, which are unified to form one central theme for the service: one from the Old Testament, one from the Epistles in the New Testament, and one from the Gospels. The last reading from the Gospels shows us the words and works of Jesus and forms the theme for the day.
  5. Psalm of the Day: The book of Psalms in the Old Testament was the songbook of the ancient church. Still today we sing fresh settings of these songs from the Bible which match the theme for the day.
  6. Hymn of the Day: This is the central and most important hymn. It is typically rich in content and teaches the theme for the day which comes from the truths of the Gospel lesson. It is sung between the Gospel reading and the sermon.
  7. Sermon: This message by the pastor is based off of one of the Scripture readings and helps explain the theme of the day. After hours studying the lesson in its original language (Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament), the pastor crafts a message that not only helps explain the meaning of the text but also gives us a relevant application to our lives as Christians.
  8. Confession of Faith: Christians respond to God's Word by confessing their faith. We frequently use the Apostles and Nicene Creeds, which Christians have used for thousands of years.
  9. Prayer of the Church: The Bible teaches us to pray for all kinds of people in all sorts of situations. Here we boldly and confidently bring forth our requests, thanksgiving, and special prayers.
  10. Hymn: This third hymn speaks more to our hearts and applies the theme of the day to our lives.
  11. Lord's Prayer: This simple yet profound prayer Jesus himself taught his disciples is included in every service.
  12. Blessing: This is the oldest part of the service, which has been said in worship for over 3500 years. Ever since the Old Testament, the Lord has wanted his people to depart with the confidence that he is with us as he gives us his blessing, grace, favor, and peace. This is the best encouragement and strength as we leave to live for him during the upcoming week.
  13. Closing Hymn: This final hymn typically shows us how we now live our lives as we leave worship.