Stay connected from wherever you are to the latest things happening at Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Service Opportunities
For the next three weeks, in keeping with our “temple” series, we will have brief announcements after the service on various opportunities for service in our congregation. Look for more information from Denise Reinke, our inreach coordinator.
Michigan Lutheran Seminary Choir Concert
The Concert Choir from Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw will present a concert of sacred music at Salem Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor on Friday, March 14 at 7 pm. If you can host some students overnight, email Paul Jansen ( Hosts will provide a breakfast, bag lunch, and return students to Salem at 7:45 am on Saturday.
Midweek Lent Services
Redeemer will have an Ash Wednesday service with communion on March 5 at 7 pm. For the remainder of Lent, both Salem in Ann Arbor and Trinity in Saline will be holding midweek services on Wednesdays at 7 pm.
everyone outreach brainstorming sessions
In November we had an Everyone Outreach workshop about fostering an outreach culture at Redeemer. On the first Sundays of the month from March to May, we will have a 30 min. brainstorming session after church. Everyone is invited to come—not just the workshop participants! On March 2, we’ll discuss church from the perspective of a first time guest.
growth groups update
Growth groups are small groups of Redeemer members who commit to meeting for one hour a month to grow closer as friends. Growth groups are meeting from January–March. Look for details from your group facilitator as to when and where you are meeting. If you would like to join a group or switch groups, please email Denise Reinke, our inreach coordinator.
adult bible study & sunday school
Sunday School for children and Bible study for adults is held on Sundays from 9–9:45 am. Adult Bible study is currently studying our stewardship of truth, time, and temple.
stewardship legacy
Our synod has asked Pastor Jacob Haag to help develop resources for Stewardship Legacy. Stewardship Legacy is a sermon and Bible study series on how we can pass on the blessings we have received from God to future generations. This series will be focusing on “temple.” These resources will be field tested at Redeemer during the month of February before they will be shared with the synod at large. Please share any feedback you have.
upcoming retreat
The Sisters in Christ Retreat will be held from March 14–16 in Bay City. More information and registration is available at
Yearly Member Visits
Pastor Jacob Haag would like to increase member visits to every year. Available times include during the day, evenings, or Saturdays. Look for an email to schedule a time.
rlca2 facebook page
More content keeps coming to Redeemer's Facebook page (@RLCA2). In particular, check out the new video series "Weekend Previews," which gives a short (1–2 minute) look at what the Sunday service will be about. These videos are especially ideal to share with non-churched friends online.