A Greater Vision for the Future Church
Note: This series is part of Stewardship Legacy, which will be field tested at Redeemer and shared across our church body.
Ask people today what they think of “church,” and most Christians will probably think of a building to go to on Sunday mornings, and most non-Christians will probably think of an archaic institution that is either irrelevant or harmful to society. Throughout world history, however, the word to describe a spiritual dwelling was not so much a “church” but a “temple.” A temple calls to mind something bigger and better, something grander and more glorious than a building with four walls or an institution with archaic limitations. A temple is where the divine intersects with humanity, where transcendence and immanence come together. A temple is where your eyes are lifted upward to something greater than yourself. A temple is where your spirit is moved to participate in something more powerful than yourself. So quite interestingly, the Bible speaks of the church as a temple—not a building with four walls or an archaic institution, but the living, breathing body of Christ that makes a difference in the life of the church and the life of the community for years to come. In this series, God moves us to proper stewardship of his temple:
February 2: To a Greater Responsibility
February 9: To a Greater Community
February 16: To a Greater Well-Being
February 23: To a Greater World